A form of communication and marketing that should not be overlooked is email.  Email is a low-cost communication tool that is powerful, far-reaching, and efficient.  For the benefit of the consumer, emails can be used for customer service as well as marketing.  Emails are a personal interaction that take minimal time for the consumer to engage with.  The effect is virtually instantaneous now that so many consumers have email notifications across multiple devices.  Email communication boasts a host of benefits, but let’s not forget one of the most important ones…


That would be, of course, targeted customer segmentation with your business’s email campaigns.  This means that your business is able to target a specific group of people with your emails that are based off of the consumers’ purchasing or browsing habits.  Even if there are consumers that have never purchased from you before, campaigning with deals, offers, and sales will allow you to access more potential buyers’ contact information so that you can tailor your marketing strategies to their interests.


It’s important to create both HTML and text versions of your emails in order to ensure compatibility so that the receivers can easily read the emails and get the most important information needed to entice them to make purchases from you.  You’ll definitely want to avoid over-using and spamming of content.  We’ve all had an experience with that company that’s sent you their third email of the day and you’ve thought, “not another one!” and simply moved their emails into the spam or junk folder.  It’s a fine line to tread, but an essential one, nonetheless.  Avoiding the use of spam to increase deliverability is also a good practice, as spam generally goes unnoticed and irritates customers.


Your company should make a concerted effort to extend its reach outside of its own database of customers.  Keeping loyal customers is a big part of a business’s success, but growth is also imperative.  In order to grow, targeting potential consumers based on their clicking or purchasing habits will help increase your company’s reach and bring in more traffic to your site.  Emails can certainly achieve this with embedded links to try new products or limited offers and other marketing strategies.  Making customers feel valued or important with emails can go a long way towards creating satisfied, returning customers.


Lastly, evaluating each campaign is a crucial step towards successful email marketing.  Track each click and measure the number of consumers that visited your site or bought your services/products.  This data will allow you to discover what worked and what didn’t so that you can re-evaluate and revise your strategy where necessary in efforts to increase your results.  Marketing strategies can never be repetitive or boring, as customers will be easily deterred and simply delete your efforts.  Email marketing can be an incredibly impactful strategy to reach current and prospective consumers when executed properly.


When you’re ready to get the most out of your email marketing give us a call and Let’s Get Crackin’.